Apple Software Update: JamF Pro
One thing we can say with certainty this year, is that we have seen an increased reliance upon the use of technology to support learning and teaching. Earlier this year, we communicated a planned upgrade of the management software for all Apple…
Go Girl; Go For IT Webinar
Last month, on October 13, two of our Middle School students took part in the inaugural ‘Go Girl - Go For IT…CyberEdition’, a virtual technology conference.
Over 600 young girls from around Australia logged on - either at school…
Third time's the (medieval) charm!
Sadly, this year our Year 8 Medieval Day was postponed twice due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and remote learning periods. This only made us more excited to successfully get Medieval Day Mark Three off the ground last Friday.
It was fantastic…
Year 5 Nadia Wheatley Writing Workshop
Early in September, our Year 5 students took part in a ‘virtual’ writing workshop with acclaimed Australian author, Nadia Wheatley, via a Zoom webinar. Nadia is the author of award-winning titles such as 'My Place', 'Australians All', and…
Letters to Aged Care Facilities…
In the last few weeks of Term 3, our Middle School students took part in a heartwarming activity where they wrote letters that were sent to seven aged care facilities throughout the Macedon Ranges.
In these times of great uncertainty, stress,…
eSmart Week
This week has been National eSmart Week!
Our school has registered to take part in eSmart Week, an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation that is all about building supportive and connected social environments both on and offline.
R U OK Day 2020
Today is RU OK day for 2020; a national day of action by, where their mission is remind Australians to check in with those around you and ask 'are you okay?'
This year in particular, has been incredibly challenging for almost everyone.…
Upcoming Free Parent Webinars
Over the next few weeks, there are several free parent webinars to support parents in managing the uncertain times we are facing with lockdown and remote learning. More details about each of the webinars is available below; they are listed…
New podcast episode, out now!
It's Braemar Podcast time!
This fortnight our College Captains, Max and Elly, ask about House events, activities for students to get involved in, and how assessment will look for VCE students over the coming weeks.
Don't forget…
School Sports Victoria virtual challenges
School Sport Victoria has set up a number of virtual challenges and competitions to keep our students engaged in sport, despite the absence of the inter-school sport program.
These challenges provide an opportunity for you to get involved…
Braemar Podcast: New episode out now!
Did you know that we now have a Braemar Podcast?
Launched throughout the initial period of remote learning in Term 2, our College Captains - with the assistance of other senior students and some of our teachers and leaders - put together…
Creative Writing Competition - Stories for Strange Times
Throughout Term 2, during the remote learning period, we took part in a creative writing competition. Students were invited to submit short stories on the topic of 'Stories for Strange Times'.
While the theme did inspire students to think…