2017 Winter Arts Carnivale
It’s almost time for our 2017 Winter Arts Carnivale. On Thursday, August 3rd the doors of Braemar House will open to a Winter wonderland of music, arts, drama
and visual arts; the 2nd Braemar College Winter Arts Carnivale!
This year’s Carnivale will take place in the historic Braemar House where patrons can enjoy samples of curricular and co-curricular Arts throughout Jackson Hall and surrounding rooms.
A special Carnivale menu of portable delights will be available courtesy of our VCE VET Hospitality students and staff. Details will be forthcoming but will include options such as soup and sandwiches to enjoy while browsing the displays and presentations. Patrons will be encouraged to book food vouchers in advance via Trybooking (information to come).
Students involved in the evening will receive information early next week. All College families are encouraged to join the festivities and enjoy the artistic talents of our student body.
Stay tuned for more information.