Year 7 Exeat Week
A couple of weeks ago, our Year 7 students ventured off on their first ever Braemar College Exeat Week. They spent the whole week in Anglesea completing a number of different exciting activities and games, split across two campsites: Araluen…
Year 8 Exeat - Grampians
On Monday 30 October, our Year 8s headed to the Grampians for their Exeat Camp. The students stayed at three campsites; Tandarra, Acacia, and an overnight tent camp in the State Forrest.
There was a focus on Indigenous Art and the students even…
Year 5 Exeat - Sovereign Hill & Campaspe Downs
This year, our Year 5's Exeat Week was split into two parts; two days at Campaspe Downs in Term One and a three day camp to Sovereign Hill in Term Four. The students had a great time participating in the activities that were fun and exciting…
Year 11 Artwork from Exeat Week
Our Year 11's recently had their art exhibited in Jackson Hall. The work had been created during their Exeat Week Art Camp to Horsham.
The students spent a day drawing at Mount Arapiles; sketching the landscape and focussing on both the 'macro'…