Unfortunately it seems the power of positive thinking wasn’t quite enough power to get us back onsite! Gratefully, the wild weather has begun to settle across the Macedon Ranges, but we sadly are still without power across our two campuses so there will be no school today.
Unlike yesterday, today (6 June 2021) is a Pupil Free Day and students are not required or expected to complete classwork.
Both campuses will be accessible until 1PM only today if students need to return to collect devices or resources.
However, with safety in mind, it is very important to note the following:
- please only access/go directly to your locker or area where your items are, before promptly leaving again;
- our driveways are clear but there remains a lot of debris on the roads in the area, so please drive carefully.
Our thoughts are with those families who have had their homes damaged or who have been without power.
What a crazy few weeks it’s been; we hope you can all enjoy a relatively calm and restful long weekend, we look forward to welcoming staff and students back onsite next Tuesday (after the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday).
We hope this picture helps to remind us all that while the weather has knocked us about a bit over the past few days, it certainly provides some incredible beauty on others! This shot was captured by Mr Deer from the Woodend Campus at sunrise only a week ago.