National Reconciliation Week
Early last month we celebrated National Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June), a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Throughout the week, there were a number of resources and activities made available and encouraged across all year levels, including an address from our Year 11 Languages Captain, Heather Sutherland, about the diversity of languages across Australia.
More information about National Reconciliation Week, access to the Principal’s Address and the speech from Heather, as well as a number of activities are still available on the ‘COVID-19 Students’ portal page on SEQTA (some links have also been shared below).
The photos below are of one of the colouring in activities that students from 6B completed. Thank you and well done to Amelia, Ella, Eve, Hugo, Lily, Natalia, and Sia; they look great! We’ve shared the file below in case you’d like to have a go at home!
Click here for an interactive activity from SBS called ‘My Grandmother’s Lingo’.
Click here to watch a video from Commonwealth Games’ athletes about reconciliation.
Click here to download the mindfulness colouring activity.