A gift to our Year 12s…a ‘little box of strength’
This year has been difficult for so many in our community. Our young people have faced so many challenges and we’ve been so proud at the overall resilience and patience they’ve shown.
Among those that have been most affected are our 2020 cohort of Year 12 students. So many rituals and rites of passage that these students look forward to for years throughout their senior schooling years have been missed or changed significantly, and they’ve had to continue studying and working hard to prepare for their final assessments and exams, despite the interruptions and changes to their learning.
Just over a week ago, a team of our staff delivered hand-made, ‘little boxes of strength’ to each and every one of our Year 12 students at their home.
Inside each box was a variety of small items, each with a specific message/meaning to provide our students with renewed motivation and a reminder that they are supported.
We know this year has been nothing like they’d expected, but we want these students to be proud of how well they’ve handled the challenges thrown their way, and to know that we are here to encourage them in any way we can. We hope these boxes brought a smile to their faces, and reminded them that – despite the distance of remote learning – they are part of a very special and supportive community.
In addition to a personalised letter from the Principal, the Head of Senior School, and the Year 12 Year Level Leader, each box contained the following items:
Thanks to the dedicated staff who brought these boxes to life and helped to distribute them to our students.
The gallery below shows each layer of the boxes as they were packed.