A budding travel agent...
Year 10 student, Sarah Reid, produced a great video last term in which she plays the role of a travel agent encouraging travellers to visit Ubud, in Bali, Indonesia.
The Year 10 Indonesian class were tasked with creating presentations and…
Festival Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia
Our Indonesian students recently travelled to the Sidney Myer Asia Centre at Melbourne University to explore the Festival Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia (aka the Festival of Indonesian Language and Culture).
All up we had 23 students on the trip,…
Indonesian Dancing Incursion
Last week, our Year 5 and Year 6 students learned and performed an Indonesian dance as part of their LOTE studies.
The students thoroughly enjoyed being immersed in such an engaging and unique cultural experience.
Le Petit Dejeuner
This week, on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, our Year 8 French students were treated to 'un petit dej' (a light breakfast) of croissants and hot chocolate in Jackson Hall.
The students engaged in this immersive activity by ordering their…