R U OK Day 2020
Today is RU OK day for 2020; a national day of action by RUOK.org, where their mission is remind Australians to check in with those around you and ask ‘are you okay?’
This year in particular, has been incredibly challenging for almost everyone. The difficult and uncertain circumstances have made it even more important for us to stay connected and to support our friends, loved ones, and our broader community.
This year, RUOK.org are focussing their campaign on the idea that ‘there’s more to say after are you okay’. This is a crucial message; it’s kind, thoughtful, and SO important to reach out and ask someone if they’re okay – especially if you think they’re having a hard time – but it’s JUST as important to make sure you are willing and able to continue the conversation, no matter their response. It can take a great deal of vulnerability and courage for someone to open up if they’re having a hard time, and if they do share their feelings, it’s important you follow through in supporting them with an appropriate response.
That said, these conversations can be challenging and uncomfortable, and that’s why RUOK.org have put together some fantastic resources to help you know what to say and how to keep the conversation going, which can make a really positive difference.
Click here to visit RUOK.org or click here to read their helpful guide to having difficult but important conversations, which includes different phrases and tips.
We have also made two of their posters with conversation prompts available for you, by clicking here and here.