An Update from Humanities
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” Sun Tsu
Term 2 has provided students with the unique opportunity to learn from home. Although sometimes challenging, feedback provided by many students is centred around the learning and not of the unusual circumstances in which the learning is taking place. This is reflective of the resilience, perseverance, and strength of Braemar students and our Braemar community.
There have been some great topics covered this Term across all of our humanities subjects; we are pleased to share some student reflections from a selection of our Year 9 and 10 Humanities electives below.
A note from our Humanities Captain:
I hope everyone is staying safe and well during these unusual times. Some advice I would give to you all is to create a routine. Make a designated workspace that will stay the same, preferably outside of your bedroom. Try to get outside everyday by going for a walk in the fresh air, I find that it will clear your mind and you will be able to reset once back inside. Keep in contact with friends and family as it is important for your health and wellbeing. I have enjoyed having more time and flexibility for my own personal learning during this asynchronous phase.
Natasha Miller
Student Reflections
Running a business is really interesting. It gives an amazing authentic insight into what is required to run a business. Running a business for me is a great way to accurately represent what I would need for the future if I want to start up my own business. It has made me more eager to start up my own restaurant. – Ali Ferguson
I have learnt the most in running a business, I have gained new knowledge and an understanding about how to run a business successfully and what traits you need to possess in order to be a successful entrepreneur. I enjoy and engage most in ethics and philosophy, it is and has been a brilliant elective for me, and I highly recommend it to everyone, it will teach you a new perspective and opinion of the society we live in and the traits that everyone should strive for. – Talon Gostelow
World War II History: In World War II History I have really enjoyed learning about the roaring 20s, as it is a really interesting decade in the United States as there was lots of crime and pop culture. I really enjoy that we learn about various different decades and countries as well as World War II. – Gus Ardas
I love Law in focus because it teaches you about not only how our country but also about other countries and how they run and work. I also like law because we get to talk about life in general and all the news. Law is just an awesome subject in general and I always look forward to it. – Allie Larter
In Global Empires, I have really enjoyed how Mr Smith teaches us knowledge that’s centuries old yet manages to make the subject fun and interesting. It’s not a boring history class, instead lively and always presenting us with new challenges. In Ethics and Philosophy, the elective has exceeded my expectations. I honestly thought when I started it was going to be boring and all about Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. But I was pleasantly surprised and now look forward to my class. One of my favourite things in the class is the fact we’re able to voice our opinions in calm debates without fear of being judged. – Isabella Lane
In 1/2 Business Management I have enjoyed learning about the Internal and External environments of a business and how they can affect how a Business is planned. I enjoyed this because it relates to what is going on in the world and is something everyone should learn if they want to have their own business. – Gus Ardas
The biggest thing I have learnt is the importance and relevance of the law and the importance of knowing the laws as a general member of the public. The part of the subject which I like the most is the discussion during class. – Gabe Hebb
I like legal studies as it can be applied to everyday life which makes it interesting. I also like that we have the option to choose what we learn about in regards to types of civil and criminal law. – Elysse Webb
Hi I’m Mary and I am a year 10 student undertaking VCE law. I am interested in what’s happening in the news and in this subject I am required to keep updated with current affairs. I enjoy learning all the new terminology because it gives me informed knowledge so that if I watch the news I understand the legal implications of what is happening. – Mary Lee
This year in Unit 1 Business Management we have been learning about all the different factors that business owners have to consider when planning a business i.e. (customers, competitors, and global issues like exchange rates.) I have enjoyed studying local businesses in the area and learning about the importance of goal setting when planning and starting up a business. What I love most about this subject is how relevant it will be for when we have finished school. It gives us a great understanding and key knowledge points for later in life, to start up a business of our own or even just being employed. – Izzy McArdle
I really enjoy Legal Studies because it helps me learn about, and gain a deeper understanding of the way that both the criminal and civil justice system operate.” – Benjamin Nunan
What I like most about Legal Studies is that you can apply the content you learn just by listening to the news. You find yourself able to understand what is happening in the world, and it’s a nice feeling to have. – Cate Young
What I love most about Australian history is the connection I have to the history I’m learning about. It is a special subject, because unlike other history topics we get to focus on the creation of a nation in relatively recent history. As well as this most of what we learn still directly affects Australia to this day which is really interesting to look into. – Maddie Condron
What I love most about global politics is the opportunity to learn about issues and countries from around the world and how they impact the world. We have looked at a range of issues so far and almost all of them have been occurring as we learn about them which means that there is never nothing to talk about. – Maddie Condron
Law Week – 18-25 May
Law week is coming up in the week beginning 18 May. Law week is a great opportunity for our Legal Studies students (and any other interested students) to take part in some extension learning opportunities. There are a range of online events that have been arranged, some of which are included below. Click here to visit the Law Week website for more information.
Many of the events this year allow you to get involved and have your say from home. Weigh in on who should be held accountable for negative online reviews or try your hand at sentencing an offender in a real life case of culpable driving causing death.
Brian Nankervis will join the State Coroner and a cast of legal and forensic experts as they analyse what caused the death of one of our greatest music legends – the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. Have you ever wanted to ask a police officer a question? Sit down for a chat and a cup of coffee with a cop from the Shepparton area.
Curious about who ensures the police force and public sector bodies are held accountable? Join a Q&A with the Victorian Inspectorate and find out about Victoria’s integrity system. Free legal advice for the community.
A range of local and specialist community legal centres are providing free advice by telephone on a whole host of legal issues. Law firms are also offering free consultations by telephone and video conferencing about family law, wills and estate planning, and a whole lot more.
You can also learn more about other legal issues, such as how trans and gender diverse people can change their record of sex on official documents, how parents and carers can keep their kids safe online and what to consider when buying or selling property.
For something a little bit lighter, consider whether TV cop shows get DNA evidence right or wrong. Keep your eyes peeled.