2018 Academic Scholarships
Earlier this year, four students were awarded Academic Scholarships for 2018. The scholarships were awarded based on academic achievement and each of the students and their families should be proud of their accomplishment.
The scholarship recipients include two students for Year 7, 2018 and two students for Year 10, 2018. Read a little about each of our successful recipients below.
Year 7, 2018
Lillian Crellin
Lillian is a current Braemar student in Year 6 this year. Lillian doesn’t have one single favourite subject but says that she really enjoys studying in Make, English, Maths and Humanities. Braemar’s library and music wing are two of Lillian’s favourite features of the school, she also really enjoys Exeat Week each year. Only being in Grade 6 this year, Lillian hasn’t given a great deal of thought to her future after Braemar as yet though she does have plans to go to University once she finishes her VCE. In her more immediate future, Lillian has three major goals for while she is at Braemar; she wants to take up fencing (one of the fun lunchtime sporting activities we offer), become a Cadet, and strive for a good result on her VCE exams.
Alex Thomson
Alex will be joining us at Braemar as a new student in Year 7, 2018. Alex is a keen sportsman, playing tennis during summer and football over winter, as well as being a member of little athletics. It’s no surprise that one of Alex’s favourite subjects is sport, as well as mathematics. Alex is very excited to start school at Braemar next year; he likes the College’s historic buildings and the facilities. Though it will be a new school for Alex, he has some friends from primary school who will be joining him, as well as a few who are already Braemar students. In the long term, Alex hopes to become a professional sportsperson or pursue another career related to sport.
Year 10, 2018
Rohan Nicol
Rohan really enjoys the supportive learning environment and community spirit at Braemar. His favourite subjects are PE and maths (just like Alex, another of our scholarship recipients), which he thoroughly enjoys. One of Rohan’s goals is to increase his competency and commitment across all of his subjects; he hopes to discover one subject/area that he really enjoys studying so that he can pursue a career in that field. For now, Rohan’s dream career would be to become an AFL footballer (Rohan described this dream career as unlikely but you never know what the future holds, never give up, Rohan).
Heath Manning
When asked about what he loves the most about Braemar, Heath explained how he enjoys the environment and the landscape. He described how it looks beautiful in the mornings as the students arrive on their buses and how all the trees that cover the campus add to the unique atmosphere of being in the bush. Heath enjoys maths however he admits that his favourite area of study is electronic music production (he takes private lessons at Braemar). While at Braemar, Heath is hoping to increase his skills in electronic music production, game development, graphic design and French so that he could one day pursue a career as either a game developer, music producer, or entrepreneur. Once he finishes school, Heath would like to study computer science or electrical engineering at University in order to help him achieve his career goals.
Congratulations to each of our scholarship recipients; you and your families should be incredibly proud of your achievements. We look forward to following you on your journeys at Braemar (and beyond) and helping you reach your goals.

College Principal, Mr Deer, with the 2018 scholarship recipients. (L-R: Lillian, Heath, Alex. Not pictured: Rohan)