Third time’s the (medieval) charm!
Sadly, this year our Year 8 Medieval Day was postponed twice due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and remote learning periods. This only made us more excited to successfully get Medieval Day Mark Three off the ground last Friday.
It was fantastic to see the students embracing the atmosphere with some amazing medieval costumes and accessories. A range of medieval type games and activities were on offer for students to participate in across the day including archery, stained glass window making, viking shield making, medieval mind craft, catapult making, and ‘kidnap the king’ (based off ‘capture the flag’).
One of our talented students, Sienna Baird, created a Medieval Braemar Banner complete with our College motto to hang proudly on display (pictured below).
The day was student driven with the Year 8 Place Based Learning groups stepping into action to run many of the activities. The return to happiness, laughter, and belonging was alive and well for our Year 8 students and staff as they enjoyed the day – both for the Medieval Day activities, and for the simply joys of being together again onsite. Thank you to our parents and families who helped with costuming, and thank you to the Year 8 staff who were determined that Medieval Day 2020 would not sit on the cancelled list.