Making a difference in Timor Leste
This July, five of our Braemar students are heading off to Timor Leste to participate in a service trip through the local Woodend Scouts. They will be taking part in activities and projects to contribute to the local community.
One of the projects involves constructing small flatpack houses for school children to sleep in throughout the week. Without these huts, the students have nowhere to sleep while they are away from their homes for school, and end up sleeping in close by fields where wild dogs also reside. One of the goals for the travelling group is to provide better sleeping arrangements for these children, offering them a safer environment to help them to learn and develop.
We wish the group the best of luck, and well done to our students Jessica Thorne, Kate Mahon, Elly Jackman, Adam Walduck, and Thomas Shaddock, for taking part.