House Swimming Carnival: Next Wednesday
It’s that time of the year already, next Wednesday is House Swimming Carnival!
The carnival will start at 8:30am and finish at 4pm, and will be held at the Sunbury Aquatic Centre.
All students need to bring their house t-shirts, lunches, snacks and plenty of water (canteen facilities will be limited). The forecast for the day has it looking like the perfect weather for a swimming carnival so don’t forget hats and sunscreen!
Parents are encouraged to come along and support the students and cheer loudly from the sidelines for their house! If you are available and interested in helping on the day as part of the College Service Scheme, please email
Please Note: Any student wishing to leave directly from the Sunbury Aquatic Centre at the end of the day is required to bring a signed note form their parent/guardian that must be shown to the relevant Head of House, as well as the staff members in the foyer, upon leaving.