TODAY: Department of Health Webinar for VCE Students
Yesterday, the Deputy Premier of Victoria and Minister for Education, James Merlino, published a letter to all VCE students.
Within the letter, he shared information about an open webinar that is taking place this afternoon (Friday 3 September) from 4-5pm.
The webinar is hosted by the Department of Health and will provide information related to the Government’s vaccination program for final year school students, their teachers, and for VCE exam supervisors and assessors.
Anyone may join the free webinar, registrations are not required.
Click here to join the live webinar at 4pm.
Topics will include:
- Vaccines, development and safety
- Accessing and consenting to a vaccination
- How to book an appointment
- Q+A with the panel.
Click here to read the full letter from the Deputy Premier, James Merlino.