Le Petit Dejeuner
This week, on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, our Year 8 French students were treated to ‘un petit dej’ (a light breakfast) of croissants and hot chocolate in Jackson Hall.
The students engaged in this immersive activity by ordering their meal from teachers Mme Jen Dowling and Mme Lisa Halvarsson en francais. It was a tremendously successful endeavor (as all events involving chocolate and croissants usually are!).
Thanks to all Braemar kitchen staff, especially Liz Klusik for her exceptional organisational skills and Nicole Carracher, Martine Forrester and Chef David McEnroe for allowing their kitchen to be disrupted in the pursuit of French immersion.
Merci Beaucoup!

Harrison, Finn and Thomas enjoying their croissants.
Mme Halvarsson serves cups of hot chocolate, a traditional morning drink for kids in France.
Henry takes a turn stirring the chocolat chaud.