Braemar Community Buy, Swap, Sell Group
As you will have (hopefully) seen, we recently launched our new College Website.
The upgrade of the website design (and the fact that it now incorporates the Braemar Blog) has meant that the previous blog for buying and selling second hand uniform items is no longer available.
As community spirit is something of great importance to us, we have tried to find a way that we can still assist and support our community to buy and sell unwanted or second-hand uniform items and resources. To this end, we have developed a Braemar Community Buy, Swap, Sell Group on our Braemar College Facebook.
The group is currently a closed group, meaning you will need to ask to join and have your request approved before you can actively participate. There are two simple questions to answer in order to join the group; this is to try and ensure that we only have legitimate and interested members as part of the group.
Before participating in any buying or selling, we ask that you please read the group guidelines (also pinned to the top of the Facebook group page).
Finally, we do understand that not everyone in our community is a Facebook user, and we apologise for any inconvenience that this change has caused. We hope that you might have other contacts throughout the Braemar Community who will be able to help you to be involved.