2018 Academic Awards
As we come to the end of Term One, we realise – first of all – that time truly does fly, and also, that this post is well overdue.
Early in Term One we held a whole-school Academic Assembly to recognise the exceptional achievements of our VCE students from 2018.
Click here to see a detailed list of the awardees.
Congratulations to all students, especially the graduating class of 2018, on another great year of results.
A special mention must be made to congratulate our 2018 Dux and Dux Proximus of the College, Hannah Winter, and Cooper Little.
Hannah finished the year as the College Dux after receiving subject awards for Chemistry, French, and English Language (with a perfect score of 50), Academic Honours, and an ATAR score of 99.8.
Cooper was named Dux Proximus of the College; receiving subject awards for top scores in Physics, Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods (with a perfect score of 50), First Class Honours in the University of Melbourne Extension Program for Mathematics (placing him in the top 20 students in the state), Academic Honours, and an ATAR score of 99.75.

Hannah Winter, 2018 College Dux

Cooper Little, 2018 College Dux Proximus