School Sports Victoria virtual challenges
School Sport Victoria has set up a number of virtual challenges and competitions to keep our students engaged in sport, despite the absence of the inter-school sport program.
These challenges provide an opportunity for you to get involved and stay active, as well as to represent your school.
Participation in these challenges will earn points for your school, but – even better – it will help you build on your fitness and skill! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Click here to visit the SSV Virtual Track and Field
In addition to the track and field competitions above, School Sports Victoria have set up a range of virtual challenges including ‘ten hoop spin shot challenge’, ‘football juggling challenge’ and ‘balance challenge’.
Click here to check out the SSV Virtual Challenges
SSV is engaging with our ambassadors, partners and Team Vic Alumni to create these virtual challenges. Perfection is not the goal, they simply want to see students having a go!
To get involved, choose a challenge, take a video and post it on your social media channels using the hashtag #SSVVirtualChallenge – if you want us to see it too, tag/mention the College on Instagram or Facebook (@braemarcollegewoodend) or use the hashtag #braemarcollegewoodend
A few important things to remember:
- Warm-up before you participate to minimise the risk of injury.
- Be sure to have the correct footwear, clothing, and equipment.
- Make sure you are doing each of these activities outside.
- Make sure you have mum or dad’s permission, they can help with timing or measuring.
- Remember we are not looking for the best, we are looking for students to give it a go.
- Check and adhere to the current Department of Health and Human Services information for sport and exercise relevant to your local area.
If you live in the metropolitan Melbourne please visit this webpage, Mitchell Shire please visit this webpage, if you live in Regional Victoria, please visit this webpage.
And, don’t forget, HAVE FUN!