Maths, Magic and More visits the Woodend Campus
Maths, Magic and More is a fantastic and unique elective subject available to our Year 9s and 10s. This year’s Year 9/10 class were the first students from our Senior School to visit the new Woodend Campus, using the excursion as a means of presenting their ‘mathemagical’ tricks to Ms Sinclair’s Year 5 Investigate class. The Middle School students were simultaneously the audience and the assessors, judging the tricks based on several criteria including their memory of the trick, whether it worked, its entertainment value, and ‘wow factor’. If the judges scores were any indication of how successful the class was, then it could not have gone better.
Not only was the session a great reflection of a fun and unique approach to assessment, but it was an excellent example of the collaborative opportunities available between the two campuses.
The below is a reflection from Cate Young, a current Maths, Magic and More student:
Maths, Magic & More is a great elective subject. You get to learn mathematical shortcuts for squaring and multiplying numbers, patterns like the Fibonacci Sequence, and learn mathemagical card tricks from one of the most enthusiastic maths teachers around – Mr Hanlon! Just like the name suggests, this course includes a bit of maths, a bit of magic, and a whole lot more! It’s a wonderful elective, and you can always be excited for the next class.