To be a leading co-educational Early Learning to Year 12 College, where through relationships we engage, stimulate and challenge every student, inspiring exemplary personal outcomes.
To provide a highly supportive and comprehensive learning experience, which develops the skills students will need to be open-minded and independent life-long learners, who contribute visibly as members of local and global communities.
All of our endeavours reflect our core values:
- excellence in teaching and learning
- Christian principles
- innovation and creativity
- agile and authentic leadership
- continuous reflection and improvement
- inclusive community
Our values in practice encourage everyone to:
- show kindness
- act with integrity and respect
- care for the environment
- become resilient
- be part of a community
- learn how to learn
- grow through feedback
- act independently
- exercise leadership
Braemar College is committed to identifying and embedding teaching practices that best lead to learning growth for all in the Braemar community.
To support staff towards professional fulfillment and excellence in teaching practice, so that students are engaged and motivated to learn.
Using the most effective learning and teaching practices will allow students to grow, feel a sense of purpose, and realise their academic and personal potential.
- share understandings of highly effective teacher practice
- develop and implement professional learning plans for each teacher
- continue to broaden responsibility for student wellbeing to all teachers, including knowing students well
- gather, analyse, and utilise feedback and data to inform continuous improvement, aligned with each teacher’s professional learning plan
Braemar College aims to develop strong community connections to improve the learning outcomes for students, provide positive role models, and support the long term viability of the College.
To have structures and processes in place that strengthen the feelings of connectedness within our College and with the community.
Developing even stronger community connections will enable students to benefit from a breadth of relationships and encourage them to realise the importance of interpersonal connections and real-world skills as a foundation to a good life.
- explore and develop community service and links through College programs
- continue to develop the College House system
- increase the awareness and knowledge of Braemar College within the broader community
- maintain and increase the shared sense of pride in Braemar College
- nurture links with our Old Collegians
Braemar College will grow appropriate structures and frameworks to continually improve in all aspects of our operations, while keeping to the strategic intent to become an Early Learning to Year 12 College.
To become an Early Learning to Year 12 College, which is supported by appropriate and efficacious structures and resources.
Growing and consistently improving will ensure that the practices of the College offer opportunities and experiences to students that deliver exemplary learning and personal outcomes.
- continue to implement the Facilities Master Plan, developing the Woodend Campus while maintaining a connection to, and the identity of, the Mount Macedon Campus
- maintain a strong governance framework and financial position, in light of external uncertainty
- evolve risk mitigation processes in line with College growth
- finalise planning for the ELC and Junior School, including enrolments, recruitment, and facilities development
- maintain and increase innovative use of technology
Braemar College strives to be a highly effective organisation that grows its staff and students’ leadership capacities.
To consistently grow leadership capacity throughout the College, using contemporary leadership practices informed by feedback, coaching, and data.
Developing leadership capacity across the College will contribute to the organisation’s effectiveness, enabling personal and professional growth and ensuring the College continues to make a unique contribution to educational outcomes in the region and more broadly.
- provide structures for the development of leaders at all levels
- collaboratively enhance leadership through mentoring within teams
- identify and support emerging leaders through targetted professional learning
- visibly collaborate on key issues with relevant stakeholders, particularly inviting student voice
- maintain and evolve College culture through the example and decision of all in leadership
- report transparently on the progress towards our goals
Braemar College seeks to provide a highly engaging and relevant learning experience for all students, pursuing excellence of outcome, opportunity, and relationships.
Braemar College seeks to nurture and motivate the whole student so they will learn and grow to achieve their potential.
Through tailored programs, our students will develop positive relationships and an understanding of themselves that will prepare them to be active and confident contributors to life beyond the College.
- continue to develop practices that promote positive relationships and expectations
- understand and support individual student differences and foster growth for all
- give the best possible opportunities for students to develop in mind, body and spirit
- provide purpose-built facilities that instil pride and maximise opportunities to learn together